Lt Gen Hallewell, c. 2936 (file photo)
Lt Gen Hallewell, c. 2936 (UEE file photo)


ROBIN PATRICK HALLEWELL was born in Everett, Washington, Sol in 2880 to a family of merchant mariners.  Hallewell was raised in a bookish household that did not own a televid.  He earned a Bachelor’s in History from Central Washington University in 2901 and later a Master’s degree in Interstellar Security Affairs from the UEE Galactic War College in 2924.

Hallewell is a graduate of the UEEMC Amphibious Warfare School, UEE Naval Command and Staff College, and the Galactic War College.  Hallewell is also noted for his intellectualism, interest in both military history and classical history, a personal library that includes over 7,000 volumes and a penchant for publishing required reading lists for those serving under his command.  He is known for the intellectual rigor he instills in his subordinates, risk management and requiring his military personnel to be well-read in the culture and history of regions of space where they are deployed.

Military Career

Hallewell was commissioned in 2902.  He steadily rose through the ranks, commanding ground combat units until he was selected for the UEE Naval Academy Flight School as a Captain.  After graduation he flew two tours of duty in the Aegis Thunderchief III.  He then returned to commanding ground combat units, earning many distinctions in his years as a senior commander until he promoted to the general officer ranks.  He then commanded several headquarters at various levels of the military structure until taking command in 2937 of UEE Joint Forces Command as General.

As head of Joint Forces Command, Hallewell oversaw the military combat operations across the UEE.  According to Defense Minister Elon Napetta, the Administration did not place much trust in Hallewell because he was perceived to be too eager for a military confrontation with the Vanduul, as well as his more public statements critical of UEE fiscal, domestic, foreign and personnel policies, which they felt indicated a loss of faith in the UEE Government.  He retired from the UEE Marine Corps in 2943.

Civilian Career

Since retirement from the UEE military, Hallewell has worked for AFW Consultants and also served as a member of the Aegis Dynamics Board of Directors.  In August 2943, he became an Annenberg Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution and has since been named as their Davies Family Distinguished Visiting Fellow.

From 2943 through January 2947, Hallewell was a board member of the Terra-based biotech company Therinios.  In December 2945, Hallewell joined the advisory board of the Aurora Project, a nonprofit organization that advocated fiscal responsibility and massive downsizing of the UEE Government.  He is co-author of the book Warrior Citizens: Auroran Views of the UEE, published in August 2946.